china post tracking to united states of america

Tracking how long does it take for China to Amazon delivery in the United States

How long does it take for Amazon shipping from China to U.S.

The China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States is a trend that is growing. This trend is not just for large purchases, such as big-ticket items or electronics, but it is also true for smaller ones. For instance, people can now order from their favorite grocery store in China and have them delivered to the United States in the same package that was purchased.

This is not always the case, though, with the China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States. The best part about this is that the delivery company will get you the product that you are looking for before it reaches the warehouse. There will be no damage to your goods or the warehouse itself, which means that the package will arrive at your door in pristine condition.

When it comes to the Chinese to Amazon delivery in the United States, the process is fairly simple.

There are usually only two steps involved. The first involves a person mailing the package to the China Post to Amazon company and the second involves the company sending the package directly to your door.

The China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States will work by either having the package shipped through the United States Postal Service or through the Postal Service International. Once it gets to the company, all that is required is for you to sign for it in person.

If you choose to ship the package through the USPS, you will need to provide a valid ID card and proof of your residence, as well as an address and the street address of the house in which the package will be delivered.

When the package arrives at your door, all that you have to do is open the box and open it up. You should make sure that the goods inside are of good quality, which is important because some goods are shipped frozen. Some goods will be opened if there are any damages that have been made, but most of them should be safely removed once they are opened.

One of the main reasons why the China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States is becoming so popular is because the company will usually give you a free trial period. During this time, you will be able to try out the products on your home computer before you decide whether or not to buy. purchase the item.

Chinese to Amazon delivery in the United States may also include tracking

In some cases, the China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States may also include tracking, which is used for shipping purposes when ordering from China. The tracking can usually be used for a particular delivery date or for certain products.

Shipping methods can be very varied, so it is really important that you understand what the shipping method will be before you make your decision. This is very important because it will ensure that you do not miss out on any special deals or discounts that may be available to you.

There are many shipping companies in China that you can use. Some of the most popular ones include China Post, China Priority Express, China DHL and others. Make sure that the one you choose is reliable, because you want to be sure that your items arrive in good condition.

When choosing the shipping company, it is important that you look into the background and reputation of the company that you choose. You should also check the reviews about the company.

It is a good idea to compare the rates of different shipping companies.

Some companies can offer free shipping, and other shipping companies may charge you an amount for each package that you want to ship. This is important because it will help you determine whether or not you are going to pay more than necessary for your shipping and handling charges.

If you want to make your order with China Post to Amazon delivery in the United States, you will be happy to know that the prices and shipping costs are not very expensive. In fact, in some cases, the prices may be less than half of what you would expect to pay at your local US based retailer. You will have the ability to save some money and enjoy some special savings if you order in bulk.

Websites for photographers ideal showcase to offer your services as a professional.

Look at the different choices of travel cameras for digital photography

When you look at the different choices of travel cameras for digital photography, you will discover there are many types of cameras to choose from.

Here we’ll discuss the four different types of cameras that are available: the point and shoot camera, the compact digital camera, the digital single lens reflex camera, and the high definition digital camera.

There are two types of digital cameras, which are the digital single lens reflex camera and the digital point and shoot camera. The point and shoot camera are small in size and light weight but it will give you the ability to take great quality pictures. With a digital single lens reflex camera the picture quality will be less than that of a compact digital camera but they are the most common type of camera available.

The compact digital camera is also called a point and shoot.

The compact digital camera is also called a point and shoot. This type of camera is lightweight, can fit in your pocket or backpack, and will not cost you as much as a traditional camera. The quality of pictures taken with a digital single lens reflex camera will be comparable to the picture quality from a point and shoot camera, but the cost will be significantly lower. If you are looking for the most in quality pictures at the least amount of money you should consider a digital single lens reflex camera.

There is another type of digital camera called a DSLR or Digital Single Lens Reflex. This type of camera is similar to a compact digital camera except it is much more expensive. It has a larger image sensor and has a tilting screen so that you can take photos in any direction that you need. This type of camera is much more expensive than the compact digital camera and takes high quality pictures.
Some people who are interested in digital photography are interested in taking more than one type of camera with them.

If you are looking for the best travel cameras for digital photography, you can consider getting a dual camera set. A dual camera set can contain more than one camera that is capable of taking great quality pictures. The downside of this type of camera is that they are very heavy.

By the way, if you are a professional photographer and you like to travel, you will not only need a good camera, websites for photographers are the ideal showcase to show your work and offer your services as a professional.

Websites for Photographers

Some people like the idea of having a camera with them while they travel.

There are some travel camera packages that are available that offer this type of camera for less than half the price of one camera. You can usually find these packages by searching online.

Before you decide to buy any camera it is important to think about your budget. The best travel cameras for digital photography can really change the way you view your pictures, so be sure that you know what you are looking for.

If you are planning to use the camera only for emergencies and don’t plan on taking any pictures that are going to be displayed at home or even at work, then you may want to think about getting a less expensive camera. If you plan to take more than one picture, then it is probably a good idea to get a more expensive digital camera.

When deciding which digital photography camera to get, you also need to decide what features you want.

Some cameras have more features than others. Some digital cameras have special functions that allow you to alter the way in which you see your pictures.

If you do not take a lot of pictures, you may be better off with a simple camera that doesn’t cost that much money. If you enjoy taking pictures with multiple settings you can get a smaller camera that will still allow you to change the way in which you see the pictures.

You should think about the features that are included in the camera before you purchase the camera. Make sure you know the manufacturer’s warranty and return policy before buying the camera.

Just remind you that if you are considering offering your services as a photographer, one of the most important things you should have is your own website. The websites for photographers are the best way to promote your work and your services.

yanwen air mail

How long does Yanwen shipping take to UK

You ordered a shipment from China via Yanwen shipping and now are you wondering how long will you wait until the goods arrive in the UK? In this article we will reveal to you.

Yanwen paid services usually deliver your package directly to your home address and, depending on the region, the waiting time is 4 to 20 days. More often it will be 15-20 days, but don’t be surprised if the shipment arrives in just 4-5 days.

The problem that can delay the Yanwen delivery of goods is when the goods arrive in the UK and then go to customs. It is known that imported goods are cleared through customs in different ways depending on the category: catalog goods, international delivery, fast delivery goods. If you fit the duty free standard then there will be no problem and your goods will soon be at your door.

For the declaration of shopping in China it is now necessary to present: a copy of the passport with registration, the order form and a photograph of the goods, the original bank account statement indicating the online store as the recipient, a copy of the bank card.

Documents Each consignment must be accompanied by a consignment note stating the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the consignor and the consignee, with a list of contents and an indication of the declared value.
Return packages. Theoretically, there are the following options for your actions if you want to return a package: paid (at your expense) forwarding with a new record number and filling the package and returning to the specified Chinese sender address with the same record number.In practice, everything is completely individual and is decided by opening a dispute and negotiating with the seller. Sometimes it is easier to claim a partial refund without sending the goods. The main thing is to open the dispute in time and correctly state the reason, claims as well as the necessary demands. After all, the return of the shipment is paid by the buyer, and this cost may exceed the price of the product itself. You can read about how to open a dispute properly in my next article.

On the other hand, your Yanwen shipment can be automatically returned to the sender (at his expense) if it is not received in the mail.

The shelf life of international shipments is 1 month. So keep this in mind if, for example, you can’t get to the post office right after receiving a notification. Please note, by the way, that you can send instead of yourself to receive a shipment from your legal representative.

The Yanwen projected delivery time to UK is shown in the code information below your order that you track using the tracking number.

If you do not understand the movement between Yanwen and postal companies, click the link with the text «Group by company» below the tracking status.

Carefully read the «Record Code Information» block, there you will find Yanwen estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If a red box titled «Pay attention!» Is displayed during tracking, read everything it says carefully.

These blocks of information will contain 90% of the answers to all your questions.

Yanwen economic air mail tracking

Track Number

Enter up to 10 numbers, one per line.


If the seller has promised that the package will arrive in two weeks, and the shipment travels for more than two weeks, that is normal, the sellers are interested in the sale and are therefore mistaken.If less than 7-14 days have passed since the receipt of the record code and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims to have sent the package and the shipment status «subject is advised in advance» / «received electronic notification» does not change for several days, it is Normally, you can read more by clicking on the link :

If the sending status does not change within 7 to 20 days, don’t worry, this is normal for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new package travels for more than a month, this is normal, because Packages go a different way, in different ways, they can wait 1 day for a plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel leaves the sorting center, customs, midpoint and there are no new statuses within 7 to 20 days, don’t worry, the shipment is not a courier that will take the shipment from one city to your home. In order for the new status to appear, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next place to sort or mail, and it takes much longer than just moving from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Receive / Export / Import / Arrive at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the package is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the expiration of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If you don’t understand anything based on the above, read this guide over and over again to complete the enlightenment;)

Currently, the coronavirus is actively spreading in China and around the world, which is why air exchange is very limited, and package delivery is slower than usual, but on March 1, 2020, mail exchange from any of the countries has not been completely stopped.

Don’t worry if the status of the mail / order does not change in 1-2 weeks and is able to:


  • They are waiting for the shipment
  • Sent to destination country
  • Export / export of international mail
  • Import / import of international mail

    If the shipment has already been sent and is in transit, it will most likely deliver it.

    While the protection is in effect, wait and don’t worry, if the order is not in a hurry, you can even extend


  • They are waiting for the shipment
  • Sent to destination country
  • Export / export of international mail
  • Import / import of international mail

    If the shipment has already been sent and is in transit, it will most likely deliver it.

    While the protection is in effect, wait and don’t worry, if the order is not in a hurry, you can even extend the protection period.

    Pay attention to the order protection counter and if the shipment did not arrive within the deadline specified in the order details, extend the protection period or open a dispute.

  • chinese post tracking

    About USPS parcel tracking

    All shipments you make with USPS parcel tracking will have a tracking number so you can know at all times the status and status of the package. It is very useful to follow the evolutions of the merchandise, in addition to knowing the possible changes that take place during the transport, such as its processing, in the process of delivery, customs retention, arrival at destination or in transit. Therefore, the shipment tracking will allow you to be aware of the specific phase in which the package is located. With this locator or tracking of shipments, it will not be necessary to go to the couriers to know their status, since practically in real time you can follow the evolutions of the package from anywhere.

    usps parcel tracking numberHow to use the tracking number

    Each time you sign up for a shipment from USPS parcel tracking, you will receive a message with all the details about it, including the reference number that will be of great help in tracking the package, regardless of the contracted courier.

    What is the tracking number for?

    At the top, just below the comparator, you will find the message ‘Follow your shipment’, with a blank field where you must enter the tracking number of your shipment. Once you click on ‘Locate’ you will access the status of it. There are several ways to track a package if you do not have the shipment tracking number. You must know the company that is responsible for the shipment. If you are the receiver of the package, contact the issuer to find out which company is handling the delivery. Most companies have online tools available to help with package tracking. Check the status of your UPS shipment using a reference. When a shipment is prepared, the reference can be placed on its label. It can be the purchase order number, the customer’s name or any identifying information. The UPS website has an online tool available to track the packages for your reference.

    Track your UPS package using «Quantum View». It is a service provided to UPS account holders. There is no need to have a tracking number. All incoming and outgoing shipments can be tracked through «Quantum View». You can also register and receive automatic emails to keep you informed of the status of your shipments. Contact the company that prepared the shipment. Many companies can trace the package for you. You can track your domestic shipments at any time of the day or night and anywhere in the world through our website.

    How to use the tracking number?

    Each time you sign up for a shipment, you will receive a message with all the details about it, including the reference number that will be of great help in tracking the package, regardless of the contracted courier. You can make an inquiry of several shipments at a time. To do it, enter one by one the shipments to consult. Once the process of entering the information is finished, you can make the query.

    how long does chinapost shipping take to US

    About China Post parcel tracking

    We want your experience when importing from China to be as satisfying as possible and that no setback truncates your business plans. For this reason, today we want to talk to you about China Post parcel tracking, a special postal service with which your orders will have a preferential treatment. Do you want to know more? We tell you everything below!

    china post parcel trackingChina Post parcel tracking is a special postal service offered by postal administrations in countries and regions where articles enjoy preferential treatment in postal, customs and airline companies. In short, these are urgent parcel shipments for companies with wide coverage and exceptional guarantees. Thus, companies and entities can transmit to their customer’s urgent letters, documents, bank accounts, samples and merchandise with the assurance that they will arrive on time and without any problem. With China Post parcel tracking you can send from any post office to anywhere in the world.

    Its main objective is to promote cooperation among members so that they can provide customers with a high quality, competitive service throughout the world.

    What is the tracking number for?

    At the top, just below the comparator, you will find the message ‘Follow your shipment’, with a blank field where you must enter the tracking number of your shipment. Once you click on ‘Locate’ you will access the status of it. Once you have entered the amount, send the receipt of the transfer to the ADT e-mail so that the merchandise can be sent to you. When you have passed this step, the package will follow the normal course of shipment.

    • Guaranteed delivery of your most urgent international shipments.
    • International express delivery service of Parcel, at home and under signature. It has a wide coverage and exceptional guarantees.

    Finding your tracking code

    Find your tracking code! It’s super easy:

    • Access that fluctuating menu that appears when you put the mouse pointer over your photo or avatar without clicking and select the option «Order history».».
    • A page will appear with all the orders that you have already made in Wish, with their respective situation (canceled, finalized, etc) and their tracking code.

    Tracking your packages

    But, how do I use the tracking code? We have taken on the task of searching specialized websites in the international package tracking, and we find two that are famous; to see where your package is

    How can I track the packages?

    In the shipping confirmation email, you will receive all the necessary information to track the packages. However, you can also track your order in your Customer Center:

    1) Enter ‘All orders’.

    2) Search your order and click on «Tracking»

    3) You can also click on «Details» where you will find more information.

    Thanks to this shipment locator you can use your tracking number to know where your package is. It is very easy to use and you just have to enter the tracking number and click on search. A menu will appear with the information about the status of your order. It is so simple and fast you that you can know the status of the goods at any time.

    track my package from china

    Track packages from China to any country

    Today, ordering goods from China, namely from the official website of Aliexpress, is gaining more and more popularity.

    This is primarily due to the very low prices of goods, including clothing, footwear, all kinds of accessories, small appliances and the like, as well as a huge plus, there is free delivery of orders around the world.

    After selecting the desired product and paying for the purchase on the Aliexpress website in USA, many customers are interested in the question, how to track a package from China with Aliexpress?

    Most customers are not aware that by purchasing goods on the above website you can track the route of the goods from the seller in China to your post office to which the goods were sent.

     The process of tracking packages by ordering with Aliexpress is not a complicated process and will take a few minutes, all you need to know is the track number – a special individual barcode of the parcel.

    After paying for the order, the seller processes it, packs it and sends it to the specified address. After the package has been delivered with the order by mail, the seller informs the buyer of the code (record number) with which you can track the goods you have ordered.

    The record number to find out where the package from China with Aliexpress is from can be found in the My Orders section which can be found in the drop down menu next to the product search button on the main page of the website Aliexpress.

    Enter the record number in the form above (network tracking), then click the «Track» button.
    Online tracking – This is a universal program that will help you track a package with an order sent by various postal services.

    With this program, it is possible to track the codes (numbers) of China’s international mail to which almost most of China Post Air Mail, Hong Kong Post, Singapore Post, Swiss Post, EMS are sent – it is regular mail, as well as courier number postal companies DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT, GLS, Aramex, DPD, E-Shipper, FLYT, HHEXP, SFC, XRU, etc.)

    Aliexpress packages can also be tracked by official local postal services.

    As a rule, the package is sent from China by postal service. China Post, which can be followed here

    Once a shipment leaves the borders of China, it will stop tracking on the China Post website and in the future it will be possible to track it on the websites of national postal countries, through which the package passes, and then to your local post office.

    If the shipment was sent from China by courier, for example, you can track it on the official website of this postal service DHL, EMS, etc.
    How and where can I get a package from China with Aliexpress?
    If the shipment has been delivered to the post office, you will receive a notification in the mailbox.

    The package will arrive at the department whose index you entered on the Aliexpress website at the delivery address (unless of course the goods are delivered to you by express delivery directly to your home).

    What should I do if a package from China with Aliexpress is sent by the seller’s shipping method?

    (If you see in the order description that the package has been sent).

    After paying for the purchase in the online store Jum, the customer can only wait for the goods to arrive at the specified address. As the customer knows exactly how fast his package will arrive, Joom offers tracking of its location, but not by order number, but by code number, confirmation or departure number. We will track the package and find out if it is possible to find the order by code using other services.

    You may also be interested in knowing about:

    How to track a package from China Post to my country

    How long does Yanwen shipping take to UK

    How Much Time Does It Take To Ship From China To The United States Of America?

    Time and tracking of ChinaPost shippings from China to US and Canada.

    About EMS parcel tracking

    How long does it take for a shipment with chinapost airmail and how to track it.

    ¿Cuánto tarda un paquete enviado desde China a mi País?

    Sigue tu pedido de China

    china post registered air mail

    How to Check/Track My Parcel from China

    Some people have never ever looked into parcel tracking maybe it’s because all your parcels are arriving safely. So, they never really care to keep track of their parcels or goods in transit. However, on the day when one of their parcels goes missing, especially if it is the one that they are desperately waiting for or is a goods that is highly crucial to their business. This problem even becomes worse If you do not have the parcel tracking number in place, because that can often take you a long time to find. Almost all parcel carriers available today now offer sophisticated and accurate parcel tracking systems as part of their service to their customers. All you have to do is get your parcels collection identification number. Then you can easily log on to the internet, type in your parcel ID number so you can see where your parcel is in real time.
    Though the truth still remains that you cannot give the exact delivery time because you do not know how many deliveries the carrier has to do before reaching you. Being able to track/check your parcels or goods at all times of day or night gives you far more confidence in your parcel delivery service. Parcel tracking can be easily done by scanning each parcel in a particular transport medium that has a GPS transponder on it. Then the parcel company will be able to know exactly where the parcel is.

    How to Track/Check from China

    After ordering for goods or you have a parcel from a Chinese supplier, you then have to choose the means of shipment. Most Chinese supplier tends to use the postal services of China Post because they are more convenient and less expensive, although they take a longer time to deliver. The tracking number of parcels usually begins with “R” or «P” or “V” or “C” or “A” or “L” or “CT” and ends with “CN” depending on the size (small, medium or large) and the duration of delivery.
    China Post is not the only postal service in China. Other postal services, such as DHL, UPS, TNT and Federal Express are also available to use. The postage is charged according to the weight, size, transportation means and special services. The transit time is subject to change depending on some conditions and delays which can be caused by bad weather, inspection, customs check, invalid number or address and so on. Therefore, the actual delivery time maybe longer than the promised time.
    For online shoppers, it is advisable to use large and legit postal services. Then make sure you pay and confirm the payment after you receive your parcels. You can then make use of the various parcel tracking websites to track you parcel or goods to know exactly where it is. According to the statistics of a professional tracking website, it takes as short as 3 days and as long as 180 days for a parcel to reach its destination from China and majority of them have been successfully delivered.  With these details, you can now know exactly what you need to do to check/track your parcel from China.

    china post tracking delivery online

    China Post registered airmail delivery and tracking service for marketplaces

    In this article, we will talk about the China Post registered airmail delivery service with for example Aliexpress, Amazon or Ebay.

    If you’ve already managed to fall in love with cheap shopping at Chinese online stores, especially Aliexpress, then you probably want to always be aware of where your package is currently located. Although almost every retailer on the site offers customers one of several types of delivery, the most popular and most often free is China Post . It is worth noting that most shipments are sent through it.


    As soon as the goods are shipped with Aliexpress, the seller will provide you with a tracking number. Registered airmail in this case means that the departure is registered, and also sent by plane, by plane.

    Each such package has the following tracking form: RJ444213101CN . Through this number you can find out what the status of the plot is, as well as where it is located at a particular time.

    It seems that they paid for the goods and got the track number, but for some reason that is not being followed. This happens if the seller has ordered a simple air delivery and the maximum that can be found according to the number of records is that the shipment has been sent and crossed the border. But in your country (USA) it will not be monitored.

    Although in this way packages started to be sent less and less, since then Aliexpress requires vendors to give full tracking numbers for tracking. This measure allows you to reduce the number of lost packages in the mail when they are actually lost or stolen from dishonest sellers. In addition, buyers and sellers themselves will not be able to cheat and claim that the package was not received or sent.

    Therefore, it is mostly used to send registered items, which are called. This allows you to track packets along their route.


    So, we continue to track the package with Aliexpress the first thing that comes up is how and where to do it?

    Tracking sent goods is not difficult at all and the first service is the official website of China Post .

    It’s made entirely in Chinese, so tracking products on it isn’t very convenient, but it’s still possible, especially if your browser has a built-in translator. Well, or you can use online services, for example, Google or Yandex.

    When a package is registered in your country, internal mail will already be included in its delivery. Therefore, if you ordered the goods in USA, further tracking is possible on the USA Post website.

    There are simpler ways to track products.

    The first is the use of special services called trackers. They allow you to track packages no matter how many services are involved in them. For example, in our case, a shipment is sent by two different services, that is, to track it, you need to use two services. The tracker allows you to do this in just one place. One of the most trustable services is Cainiao.


    It seems very simple. Immediately on the main page, it is suggested that you list your track and follow it.

    Another way is throught your account in Aliexpress . All you have to do is enter «My Orders» and click opposite purchase Tracking Verification .

    On the new page you will immediately see all the information about the location of your product. As with trackers, only one service is used. And you don’t even have to ask for anything.


    Packages with Aliexpress, Amazon or Ebay Shipping are usually on average 20-30 days. This is due to the fact that the shipment is registered. Sometimes it happens that you have to wait longer, but this is rare.

    The final delivery time largely depends on your location, so someone receives the goods faster and someone waits a long time.

    China’s national post office is often overloaded, forcing sellers to use other services. Tracking packages from China by rail is an affordable service of logistics operators, thanks to which the recipient will always be aware of the location of his shipment. Most orders from China come from major markets like AliExpress, Amazon, eBay, Alibaba or TaoBao. Sellers often use this service on AliExpress, supplying small budget goods in the form of small loads.

    Tracking of packages from China by order number is accompanied by automatic notifications of shipment status changes. You no longer have to manually monitor the status – the system will automatically notify you via SMS when the sending status changes. No matter which shipping method you choose, you will surely get a package tracking number from China. The postal identifier is sufficient to independently detect the location of the goods. Now you will know everything – whether he stayed in the sorting center, moved around China or got stuck somewhere in USA. Track number – a necessary argument when resolving litigation and refunding money for undelivered goods. Tracking packages from China by number is possible from any device – from a computer or mobile phone. Some logistics operators are developing special applications for smartphones that make the tracking process as simple as possible.

    Finding packages by number of records from China is an important part of delivery. In the age of modern technology, anyone can make their life simple and practical. Thanks to online services, you can check the location of the package at any time and anywhere in the world. This will allow online shopping enthusiasts to manage the delivery process on their own. With the help of the information page you can follow the route of the shipment from departure to the final destination. Anyone can check where the package is from China – checking the code does not require special skills.


    Modern postal services provide users with the ability to independently check the tracking of packages from China by number of records. Thanks to an online department with convenient navigation, it will be easiest to find a package with goods ordered in China. Tracking packages from China is best done after registering on the service. After creating an account on the resource, each user will be able to click to save records to their personal account and update the status of items. The invoice allows you to control the delivery status, track the location of goods and change parameters as desired.

    Registration does not take much time, you just need to choose a username and password that meet the requirements of the system. After registration, everyone will get access to additional features of the service. Tracking system – the best solution! Tracking Chinese packages on the track is a guarantee of the safety of your shipment abroad. You can rest assured – the order will arrive on time intact.

    China Post is a Chinese postal operator. It is a company whose activities are regulated by the State Bureau of Communications of the People’s Republic of China. China Post is involved in the processing and shipping of international postal items (IGO). One of the main advantages of the organization is the possibility of remote registration and payment of items via the Internet. China Post has an express service – EMS.

    The popularity of Chinese products has grown significantly. A large number of consumers buy goods online. There are two explanations for this. The consumer audience is attracted by the wide selection and rather low price. Some users find it difficult to independently understand the operation of Chinese websites and China Post directly.

    Let’s consider the most important characteristics of the work of a postal organization.


    Classification of IGO varieties is traditional for the Postal Union.

    1. Small package – weight up to 2 kg.

    2. Package – over 2 kg.

    The main advantage of registered shipments is that such China Post shipments can be tracked, unregistered shipments cannot.

    A registered item is assigned a special code with which you can control its movement from sender to recipient.

    R – small package

    C – package

    E, shorter for EMS, express service

    Another character is used for uniqueness. This is followed by a 9-digit code. The last two characters indicate the country of the sender. The code is typical and complies with the standards of the Universal Postal Union (international abbreviation – UPU, from the English Universal Postal Union). For example, CN is the last two letters in the package code sent from China.


    When tracking the China Post, keep in mind that you can only track shipments that have a special code. In the initial stages of tracking China Post packages, it is recommended to use Chinese services (for example,), as it will provide the most accurate information about the location of the postal item. Same working principle for tracking China Post Air Mail. Just know the code. You can use the official site and other services.

    tracking shipping from China to australia and new zealand

    Track & check status of ChinaPost shippings from China to Australia & New Zealand

    ChinaPost is actually a trustworthy postal transporter in China. ChinaPost provides local and worldwide sending possibilities, newspapers circulation and postal remittance solutions. ChinaPost also provides postal express transport (EMS) and as well , logistics solutions, e-business, a few financial solutions.

    Which Kind Of Product Is My Package Delivered From China To Australia And New Zealand?

    International merchandise for ChinaPost include Small Packet, Large Package, and EMS. The Small packages and massive parcel of ChinaPost could be monitored if registered only. In any other case the info will be restricted to mainland China and Taiwan only. Just as suggested by transport plans, this is often separated into 3 classes: Air Package, Surface Air Lift and Surface Package. China air mail/parcel is among the most employed one, that could be low-cost and effortless. EMS is quicker than ChinaPost Mail nevertheless it much more costly.

    Tracking The Status Of Your Chinapost Shippings From China To Australia And New Zealand

    The sites in the following section are definitely an utility to track on-line your parcel from china where ever the final end point. Just enter the tracking number that was provided to you when ever checking out, you can find it through vendor confirmation web mail, or from the marketplace My Order (Amazon, eBay,Asos ) or the eShop web page straight. With this kind of tracking number it is possible to follow and know the most recent position and the region of the shipment.

    ChinaPost Small Packet

    ChinaPost International Small Packet is utilized for the delivery of light-weight gizmos below two kilos from China to different countries and locations. It’s the economical one among all the other means of delivery. Products including small merchandise, makeup products, clothing, are easy to be shipped by doing this. Today, it is mainly used in web commerce market segments just like eBay,AliExpress , Amazon and and by individual clients as well.

    What Is Epacket?

    Like the name ePacket implies, the shipping and delivery support was once shape for web commerce requirements, to make it simpler, quicker and inexpensive for recipients to obtain their purchases from online stores from China and Hong Kong.

    ChinaPost Large Package

    To get the products more than 2kg (regular mail) and fewer than 20kg, 30kg, or 40kg. ChinaPost present choices to suit most small business and but need no immediate delivery. In contrast to EMS and also other specific products, ChinaPost big package option is less expensive than any other couriers. You are able to monitor and track your packet employing the site underneath thanks to the tracking number in the event the package is registered.

    ChinaPost Solutions

    China EMS (tracking number beginning with E or L China ePacket(EUB) tracking number with 13 letters beginning with Lx restricted to 2Kg. International e-EMS available for 50 countries around the world and also ChinaPost Mail , ChinaPost Registered Mail and lastly ChinaPost Regular Parcel.

    How You Can Track A Package From China to Australia and New Zealand: Valuable Internet Sites.

    After you have identified, your tracking code, you are able to locate your package using one of those sites beneath. That section provides you with a listing of very helpful internet sites that may help you to track a package from China to its Australia and New Zealand. We hope that it may be beneficial to people that buy products on the web and need to track a bundle from China:

    17 track net: is a nice useful website to track packages from China and it is translated in a number of different languages! It is extremely simple to use, you just copy-past your tracking number on the home page and simply click track to get the progress of the delivery of your bundle.

    ChinaPost: is the website you have to track a parcel on Chinese soil, its beneficial attribute is that it enables you to sign up to a forum to inquire concerns and suggestions to additional registered users.Parcel App: it is a personal and free of charge app that allows you to track packaging delivered out using more than 100 diverse couriers. This app may also identify a tracking number and provide you the name of the courier employed for your transport.

    To be able to calculate the track and check the status of your ChinaPost shippings from China to Australia and New Zealand consider following a few actions:

    The first step :
    Grab the day when the parcel was actually seen by ChinaPost.
    It is possible to monitor the package in traditional track web site right here and then get subsequent result as an example the web page may display that the bundle was recognized by ChinaPost on March 20, 2020.Second step:

    Visit Arrival Statistic Web site right here and reveal the normal arrival period from China to your country.

    By way of example, when ever destination is New Zealand the figure shows regular arrival time to New Zealand is usually 12 days. Which means approximated entrance time of that parcel is March 20 +12 days = April 2, 2020.